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Rockwell-Collins Retirees Association
Saturday October 12, 2002
Richardson Civic Center

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Eldon Streck

Eldon Streck was there with his "young man's" shirt as he put it. Eldon's card reads:

"Sometime Engineer

Sometime Farmer

Sometime Carpenter

Sometime Nothing"


Sounds good to me!

And who should I run into but Larry Bailey and Lloyd Everts. They were telling training war stories and evidently enjoying it.

Larry Bailey and Lloyd Everts

Milton Lutz

And here's uncle Milty! Milton Lutz is now living down in Sugar Land and still practicing microwave engineering. After all this practice, he should have it down pat by now!

Milton's card lists him as VP of Lutz & Associates LLC.

I didn't ask!

Ben Stearns gave the program, sharing many stories and pictures that didn't make his book, Arthur Collins Radio Wizard. Here's Ben autographing a copy for a purchaser.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed his presentation and his book!

Ben Stearns autographing copies of his book

Bill Gaylor and Bob Livingston

Willie's at it again! Here's Bill Gaylor filling Bob Livingston in on something. It was good to see them both again. Bob's still making filters for Alcatel he tells me.

Wandering around, I ran into Harold Scoggins talking with Parke Dolph and Dave Kuester.

Harrold Scroggins, Park Dolph, and Dave Kuester

Dick Reha and Jim Ditto

As I was about to leave, I ran into what I at first thought was Mutt and Jeff. Turned out to be Dick Reha and Jim Ditto. Great to see them both again.

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by James W. Harrison. All rights reserved.