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Chuck Flint's Retirement Party
  Last Revised 15 May 2010
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After 37 years with Collins Radio, Rockwell International, and Alcatel, Chuck Flint celebrated his retirement from Alcatel at a party given at the Richardson Renaissance Hotel 28 March 2006.

I was privileged to attend and got to see lots of old friends I hadn't seen in a long time. Below are pictures of many of them that I was able to snap while I was there.

If I got your name wrong or left you out, my apologies, and corrections are appreciated.


Chuck Flint prepares to cut his retirement cake

Chuck Flint with Paul Nix

I walked in to find Chuck chatting with Paul Nix. Hadn't seen either of them in ages. Paul is working at Texas Instruments now. Chuck says he really hasn't got any specific plans for retirement, but he's sure something will turn up. Think I can guarantee that that's true!


Nearby I found Jim Wallner and Chris Whicher catching up on things. The Wallners are just back from a long RV trip, and Chris is still plugging away at Alcatel.

Jim Wallner and Chris Whicher

Connie Wallner and Shirley Guardipee

And just behind Jim and Chris, Shirley Guardipee was animatedly describing something to Connie Wallner. Jim Guardipee didn't make it due to a bad cold according to Shirley.

Over against the wall, Jim Beavers was enjoying a beer and loving every minute of it.

Jim Beavers taking it all in

Chuck in his ''official'' retirement hat

As part of the "retirement ceremonies", Chuck was made to wear this "official Happy Retirement Hat". Anybody that would put up with this and have his picture taken to boot, deserves the Good Sport award too!


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by James W. Harrison. All rights reserved.