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Last Revised 05 Nov 2019

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Lost Friends Luncheon #32 - 13 January 2004

All the folks I could fit in the picture!

The first "Lost Friends" luncheon of 2004 saw a large attendance, with a few new folks, a few we haven't seen for quite a while, and most all the regulars. I'm not even going to attempt to name all the names this time. I'll just put up the pictures for your enjoyment.

I tried to get the whole room in one shot - and almost made it.

As you can see near center, Eldon has a new shirt.

The "north side" bunch were well represented as usual. Bob Everett looks surprised to have his picture taken.

Bob Everett looks surprised.

Moldovan claims this is what you wear to work these days!

Rhonda, Bettie, and Red put in long overdue appearances. Greg Moldovan swore he hadn't come from a funeral, but was sporting the working duds of an investment banking advisor. Huhhh???


Sam's finally let Nona out to go to lunch

Good to see Bettie and Red Merritt again. It's been a long time neighbor!


Lost Friends Luncheon #33 - 13 February 2004

A good turnout for the 13th luncheon in February. Here Vicky Wright, Wanda Fox, and Lou Simas admire some of Mary's Chavis' handiwork. Mary has traded in her scroll saw for making jewelry.

Friday the 13th doesn't slow this bunch down!  A nice attendance, with several new folks whom we hope will continue to join us. It's still at 11:30 on the 13th of every month at Tino's in Collin Creek Mall, the following Monday if the 13th should fall on the weekend or a holiday.

Vicki, Wanda, and Lou admire Mary's hand made rings

Ron Seymour, Richard Carlson & Eldon Streck

This was the first time we'd seen Richard Carlson in a long, long time. Looks like Eldon has Richard and Ron Seymour roped into a tall tale.

And I finally managed to get a picture of Tash from the front with his eyes open. It's taken a lot of tries.

Sitting next to him, Greg Moldovan is starting up a second career as an investment advisor.

Tashima and Greg Moldovan

Steve Rocha

The surprise appearance was from Steve Rocha. After being away with Uncle Sam's forces, Steve has finally hung up his spurs and decided to join us in retirement.

And needless to say, Angie's happy to have Steve back home. Just had to get a picture of the two of them together while I had the chance.

Steve and Angie Rocha

Lost Friends Luncheon #34 - 15 March 2004

Annette Wooldridge and Pat Hodo

Well look who showed up for the 13th luncheon in March! Annette was back to see us, and Pat Hodo put in a long overdue appearance.

Mauricio Nunez seems to have put Gail Greene in a great mood. It was really nice to see both of them again.

Gail Greene and Mauricio Nunez

Lost Friends Luncheon #35 - 13 April 2004

Saunders, Hinojosa, Simas, Merritts, Avenna, Barnes, Moldovan, Barnes, Dolby

We had one of the largest turn outs ever for the April 13th luncheon.

Folks I can make out here are, L-R, Lynne Saunders, Hector Hinojosa with his back to us, Lou Simas, Betty and Red Merritt, Carol Avenna, Norma Barnes, Greg Moldovan, Rod Barnes, and Linda-Jeanne and Ed Dolby.

By the way, the Barnes and the Dolbys are planning an Alaska cruise together. Be sure and ask about it next time you see them!

L-R: Tash with his back to us, Lynne Saunders, Hector Hinojosa, Rex Stephens with his back to us, Janice Murray, Wanda Fox, Lou Simas, Betty and Red Merritt, and Carol Avenna.

Tash, Saunders, Hinojosa, Stephens, Murray, Fox, Simas, Merritt, Avenna

Mauricio Nunez, Diane Dercks, Doug Jennings, Vickie Wright

Mauricio Nunez hiding in the background, Diane Dercks, Doug Jennings, and Vickie Wright.

Greg Moldovan and Mauricio Nunez are catching up on old times.

Greg Moldovan and Mauricio Nunez

Kaplan, Brown, Shiroma, Seymour, Murray, Howard, Housley, Fox, Stephens

Over in the amen corner was the usual bunch plus Harold Shiroma! L-R, Dennis Kaplan (his wife is out of the picture to the left), Jerry Brown, the back of Harold Shiroma's head, Ron Seymour, Janice Murray, Marvin Howard, Ray Housley almost hiding, Wanda Fox, and Rex Stephens.

L-R: Ron Seymour about to attack a chip and salsa, Lynne Saunders, Janice Murray, Marv Howard, Wanda Fox, Ray Housley, Rex Stephens, Lou Simas, and Harold Shiroma.

Seymour, Saunders, Murray, Howard, Fox, Housley, Stephens, Simas, Shiroma

L-R, Rex Stephens, Hector Hinojosa, Tashima, Lynne Saunders, Janice Murray, Wanda Fox, Lou Simas, Betty and Red Merritt, and Carol Avenna.

Lost Friends Luncheon #36 - 13 May 2004

I walked into Tino's to find Marv Howard sitting alone, almost in the dark, afraid his calendar was broken! While we were wondering where everyone was, who should come strolling in but Tim Barron. Talk about long time, no see!

Those guys in the background kept them from looking too lonely though. Before long, stragglers started wandering in, and we made a pretty good lunch of it!

To the rest of you, we missed you!

Tim Barron and Marvin Howard

Charlotte Trimble and Mary Chavis

I did manage to talk Charlotte Trimble and Mary Chavis into having their picture taken. Thanks gals, you make good models!

Lost Friends Luncheon #37 - 14 June 2004

It's easy to see who's the most popular as well as the most regular attendee at the monthly luncheon. It's Marilyn, our waitress, who has been patiently taking care of all of us "separate checks please" folks for three years now! She's got it down to a fine art, and "y'all know the drill!" Our first luncheon here was on June 13th, 2001, and we expect to see her for many more!

Come join us for lunch! It's still at 11:30 on the 13th of every month at Tino's in Collin Creek Mall, the following Monday if the 13th should fall on the weekend or a holiday.

Tash, Marv, George, Mike, Charlotte, and Tim are paying attention to Marilyn

Connie & Jim Wallner, Greg Moldovan, Dennis Kaplan

Connie and Jim Wallner, Greg Moldovan, and Dennis Kaplan are enjoying their meal.

Jim and Connie are leaving the following day for a round of family and class reunions. Follow their adventures in pictures at their website.

Dennis tells us he and Joyce are still into organ playing, and will be traveling to Galveston in October to meet with their organ playing friends. Check out Dennis' Dallas Metro L.I.F.E. website!

We had another new face this month - Bob Banks at far right joined us for lunch. Come back often Bob!

Lynne was just back from a trip to Colorado and has the Tee shirt to prove it. She said she's decided that Colorado is a nice place to be in the summer time!

Tash, Lynne, and Bob Banks

Dennis Kaplan, Ron Seymour, Marv Howard, and George Huling

Dennis Kaplan, Ron Seymour, Marv Howard, and George Huling. You'll notice that George is watching me like a hawk. He says I always catch him with his mouth open!

We were all remarking that it seemed like this was turning into a retirees' group since none of the "workers" had shown up. Just then Carol Avenna and Mary Chavis walked in. As usual, Mary tried to duck out of camera view, but I got her!

Carol and Mary say they're keeping things humming along out at work, and we're all glad. Somebody has to pay those SS taxes for us!

Carol Avenna and Mary Chavis

Lost Friends Luncheon #38 - 14 July 2004

Frances Bradford and Dorothy McGrath

Long time - no see! It was good to see Frances and Dorothy at lunch again. And by golly, it's nice to know that some of the old gang is still employed by Alcatel.

Now this was really a surprise! Angie Rocha came in bringing Barbara Carpenter. Haven't seen Barbara in many years. Y'all come back, ya hear!

Barbara Carpenter and Angie Rocha

Mary Lou Nelson

It looks like Mary Lou Nelson is happy to be here. Glad she made it for lunch, and do come back often!

And yet another new face this month - Sharon Stout joined us for lunch. Haven't seen her since I "mustered out"!

Sharon Stout

Lost Friends Luncheon #39 - 13 August 2004

They let us eat out by the regular customers this time!

August's luncheon found us conflicting with another group at Tino's, so they let us eat out with the regular folks! Good to see everybody again, and we're waiting for all you vacationers to get back and tell us all about it!

Lost Friends Luncheon #40 - 13 Sept 2004

September's luncheon brought in Stacy Alford for the first time. Looks like he has a rapt audience in (R-L) Melvin Brown, Dave Kuester, and Marv Howard hiding behind Dave.

After most of the crowd had left, Melvin and John Plant regaled us with tales of the incendiary effect of some of Dave's visits to their Van Alstyne eating establishments. We all left laughing.

Stacy Alford seems to have a rapt audience

Lost Friends Luncheon #41 - 13 Oct 2004

Weldon Lowe showed up for lunch, full of stories and fun

Weldon Lowe AKA "Poke" (K5POK) graced us with his presence for the first time at October's luncheon. He was as full of fun and stories as when we worked a job together about 30 years ago in Hinesville, GA. We even managed to take in a performance of "Brother Dave Gardner" while we were there.

Poke says he still has that whip he carried for hamming from the rental car too! And I thought I never threw anything away!

Guys, this is getting too segregated! On the guy's corner of the table are Weldon Lowe, Eldon Streck, Tashima, Marvin Howard, and George Huling.

Marv is sporting a sling courtesy of a shop accident. He's due to be back to normal in a few weeks he says.

George has a new diet plan! He says that every time I take his picture he's stuffing something in his mouth, so he refuses to eat if I have the camera out!

Weldon Lowe, Eldon Streck, Tashima, Marv Howard, and George Huling

Lynne Saunders, Carol Avenna, Sharon Stout, Lou Simas, Wanda Fox, and Melissa Cunninghame

Over on the ladies' corner of the table were Lynne Saunders, Carol Avenna, Sharon Stout, Lou Simas, Wanda Fox, and Melissa Cunningham.

Carol and Melissa are among the few still working at Alcatel. Lynne and Lou just got back from a trip to New England. They said the foliage was just beginning to turn as they returned home. Bummer!

Marilyn was short handed that day and having trouble handling the whole restaurant by herself, so George filled in on waiter duty. Looks to me like the ladies have the boy pretty well domesticated!

George fills in as a waiter

Lost Friends Luncheon #42 - 15 November 2004

Bill England and Diane Dercks catch up

Well would you look who showed up, finally! Bill England put in an appearance for the November luncheon. He and Diane had a lot of catching up to do!

And as you can see, the Wallners finally made it back from all their world travels. Just checked and Jim has lots of new pictures at Wallner's World!

Lost Friends Luncheon #43 - 13 Dec 2004

We had a pretty fair turnout for December's luncheon considering the working folks were probably snowed under.

Clockwise around the table from front left: Bob Everett, Dennis Kaplan, Eldon Streck (hidden), Ron Seymour, Joe Russo, Bill England, Jim and Connie Wallner, Diane Dercks (hidden), Tashima, Marv Howard, and Harold Shiroma.

December's turnout

Diane Dercks, Tashima, Marv Howard, and Harold Shiroma.

Diane Dercks, Tashima, Marv Howard, and Harold Shiroma. Everyone was catching up on everyone else's Christmas plans.

Eldon Streck, Ron Seymour, Joe Russo, and Bill England had the early arrival seats.

Weldon Lowe, Eldon Streck, Tashima, Marv Howard, and George Huling


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by James W. Harrison. All rights reserved.