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First Friday Breakfast Group
meeting at 10:00 a.m. on first Friday of the month
at the Southern Recipe Cafe, Richardson, TX

( 1381 W. Campbell Road near SE corner of Coit and Campbell)


One of two tables of friends

January 2007 - I finally made it back to a "First Friday" breakfast meeting of Collins-Rockwell-Alcatel retirees at Richardson's Southern Recipe Cafe, and I remembered the camera this time! This group has grown to have a couple of dozen attendees most months. From the looks of this table, they like to have their picture taken too!

With so many folks present, I'll not attempt writing out all the names. Come by and meet them yourself!

I got there at the stroke of 10 to find this second table almost full, so I grabbed a seat between Winget and Hinojosa. Wayne handles the meeting notifications, and if you'd like to be added to his list, write him or just drop me an email and I'll forward it to him.

One of two tables of friends

First Friday Breakfast Group - 6 March 2009

I made it back to at First Friday Breakfast in March 2009, and there was a terrific turnout! Actually, that's me just behind Gil McCombs and next to Hector Hinojosa. Standing at left is Joe Culp, evidently talking to Craig Dickey at right. Also obvious in the picture is Bill Gaylor at left and Ken Mitchell down at the end of the table.

I passed my camera to Connie Wallner who took this picture.

At the other table, Connie snapped this picture which includes Park Dolph, Max Schaeffer, Bill Stiefer, Vic Cawosky, Jim Morris (standing), Tom Noble, Peter Grau (also standing), Everett Turvey, and Jerry Brown.

And from the other end of our table, there's Jim Wallner, Joe Culp talking to Ralph Ashbury, Bill Gaylor, Gil McCombs, Jim Harrison, and Hector Hinojosa.

Everybody's wondering how Ken Mitchell managed to get his breakfast while the rest of us are just waiting. Beside him Jack Garlick is looking for his.

One of two tables of friends

Joe Culp was up to visit and here is talking with Ralph Ashbury and Bill Gaylor.

Looks can be deceiving, and it looks like Bill Stiefer and Vic Cawosky are getting into a hot argument, with Jim Morris looking on to referee.

I think Everett Turvey must be describing the one he caught as opposed to the one that got away! Beside him Jerry Brown is talking with Park Dolph and Max Schaeffer.

Down at our end of the table, Hector Hinojosa, Tom Noble, and Peter Grau are taking it all in.

My gosh, is this the bathroom line or a receiving line? Jim Morris, Max Schaeffer, Park Dolph, and Bill Stiefer.

As the party was breaking up, Connie Wallner is talking with Joe Blake while in the background Peter Grau chats with Joe Culp.



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by James W. Harrison. All rights reserved.