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Last Revised 20 Oct 2019

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Lost Friends Luncheon #103 - 14 December 2009

Everybody seemed to be in a great holiday mood for our December luncheon. Must be the season!

Clockwise from bottom left: Charlotte Karam, Joyce Guthrie, Larry Pavlicek, Bob Everett, Eldon Streck, Frances Bradford, Jim Rushing, Mike Crye, Carol George, Allegra Burnworth, Doug Dreggors.

Charlotte Karam, Joyce Guthrie, Larry Pavlicek, Bob Everett, Eldon Streck, Frances Bradford, Jim Rushing, Mike Crye, Carol George, Allegra Burnworth, Doug Dreggors

Larry Pavlicek, Bob Everett, Eldon Streck, Frances Bradford, Jim Rushing

Way back there in the corner, Bob Everett, Eldon Streck, Frances Bradford, and Jim Rushing were ready to eat, and I think Larry's already beat them to it!

Clockwise from Larry:  Larry Pavlicek, Bob Everett, Eldon Streck, Frances Bradford, and Jim Rushing

Doug Dreggors took over the camera and got a picture of me too. Hurry up guys! We're hungry!

L-R: Jim Harrison, Bob Everett, Eldon Streck, Frances Bradford, Jim Rushing, Mike Crye

L-R: Jim Harrison, Bob Everett, Eldon Streck, Frances Bradford, Jim Rushing, Mike Crye

Joyce Guthrie, Larry Pavlicek

Here are a couple of folks who are still working and contributing to our retirement! Joyce Guthrie and Larry Pavlicek, we appreciate your keeping our social security funded!

Lost Friends Luncheon #104 - 13 January 2010

Now this is a happy bunch of diners! We were happy to welcome Mrs. Streck who joined us for lunch this month. You be sure and bring her back next time Eldon!

Clockwise: Marvin Howard, Carol George, Mike Crye, Allegra Burnworth, Jack Bowling, Mauricio Nuņez, Eldon and Mary Streck

Clockwise: Marvin Howard, Carol George, Mike Crye, Allegra Burnworth, Jack Bowling, Mauricio Nuņez, Eldon & Mary Streck

L-R: Eldon & Mary Streck, Jim Harrison, Marvin Howard, Carol George

Mike Crye took over the camera and got this picture of me along with Eldon  Mary Streck, Carol George, and Marvin Howard.

Lost Friends Luncheon #105 - 15 February 2010

I guess circumstances conspired against the February luncheon. On the 12th the Dallas area had a record setting snowfall, the 13th was on a weekend, no notice was sent out, and Monday was Presidents Day. This stalwart group still managed to get together for plenty of good food and conversation.

L-R:  Mike Crye, Jim Rushing, Mary and Eldon Streck, George Huling, and Marvin Howard.

L-R:  Mike Crye, Jim Rushing, Mary and Eldon Streck, Geroge Huling, Marvin Howard

Lost Friends Luncheon #106 - 15 March 2010

Clockwise from left: Marvin Howard, Eldon Streck, Mike Crye, Doug Dreggors, Dennis Kaplan, Jim Rushing, Jerry Brown, and Jack Bowling

Looks like everybody had gotten their usual seat by the time I made it to the March Luncheon. Guys, I think we're going to have to go back to charm school or something - all the gals seem to have deserted us!

Clockwise from left: Marvin Howard, Eldon Streck, Mike Crye, Doug Dreggors, Dennis Kaplan, Jim Rushing, Jerry Brown, and Jack Bowling

And from the other end of the table, L-R: Jim Rushing, Jerry Brown, Jack Bowling, Marvin Howard, Eldon Streck, and Mike Crye.


L-R: Jim Rushing, Jerry Brown, Jack Bowling, Marvin Howard, Eldon Streck, and Mike Crye

Clockwise from left: Jim Harrison, Marvin Howard, Eldon Streck

Doug Dreggors insisted that I needed to be in the pictures too, so he grabbed the camera and caught myself, Marvin Howard, and Eldon Streck.

Lost Friends Luncheon #107 - 13 April 2010

The April turnout was sparse, but we had a great time sitting around talking over old times, home projects, and ''toys''.

L-R: Carol George, Marvin Howard, George Huling, Jerry Brown, and Jack Bowling

L-R: Carol George, Marvin Howard, George Huling, Jerry Brown, and Jack Bowling


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by James W. Harrison. All rights reserved.