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Last Revised 20 Oct 2019 |
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Lost Friends Luncheon #103 - 14 December 2009 |
Everybody seemed to be in a great holiday mood for our December luncheon. Must be the season! Clockwise from bottom left: Charlotte Karam, Joyce Guthrie, Larry Pavlicek, Bob Everett, Eldon Streck, Frances Bradford, Jim Rushing, Mike Crye, Carol George, Allegra Burnworth, Doug Dreggors. |
Way back there in the corner, Bob Everett, Eldon Streck, Frances Bradford, and Jim Rushing were ready to eat, and I think Larry's already beat them to it! Clockwise from Larry: Larry Pavlicek, Bob Everett, Eldon Streck, Frances Bradford, and Jim Rushing |
Doug Dreggors took over the camera and got a picture of me too. Hurry up guys! We're hungry! L-R: Jim Harrison, Bob Everett, Eldon Streck, Frances Bradford, Jim Rushing, Mike Crye |
Here are a couple of folks who are still working and contributing to our retirement! Joyce Guthrie and Larry Pavlicek, we appreciate your keeping our social security funded! |
Lost Friends Luncheon #104 - 13 January 2010 |
Now this is a happy bunch of diners! We were happy to welcome Mrs. Streck who joined us for lunch this month. You be sure and bring her back next time Eldon! Clockwise: Marvin Howard, Carol George, Mike Crye, Allegra Burnworth, Jack Bowling, Mauricio Nuņez, Eldon and Mary Streck |
Mike Crye took over the camera and got this picture of me along with Eldon Mary Streck, Carol George, and Marvin Howard. |
Lost Friends Luncheon #105 - 15 February 2010 |
I guess circumstances conspired against the February luncheon. On the 12th the Dallas area had a record setting snowfall, the 13th was on a weekend, no notice was sent out, and Monday was Presidents Day. This stalwart group still managed to get together for plenty of good food and conversation. L-R: Mike Crye, Jim Rushing, Mary and Eldon Streck, George Huling, and Marvin Howard. |
Lost Friends Luncheon #106 - 15 March 2010 |
Looks like everybody had gotten their usual seat by the time I made it to the March Luncheon. Guys, I think we're going to have to go back to charm school or something - all the gals seem to have deserted us! Clockwise from left: Marvin Howard, Eldon Streck, Mike Crye, Doug Dreggors, Dennis Kaplan, Jim Rushing, Jerry Brown, and Jack Bowling |
And from the other end of the table, L-R: Jim Rushing, Jerry Brown, Jack Bowling, Marvin Howard, Eldon Streck, and Mike Crye.
Doug Dreggors insisted that I needed to be in the pictures too, so he grabbed the camera and caught myself, Marvin Howard, and Eldon Streck. |
Lost Friends Luncheon #107 - 13 April 2010 |
The April turnout was sparse, but we had a great time sitting around talking over old times, home projects, and ''toys''. L-R: Carol George, Marvin Howard, George Huling, Jerry Brown, and Jack Bowling |
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