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Springtime in Texas - 2005
Love's Lookout - Nacogdoches

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New building at Love rest stop

We got wanderlust again and decided to head over to Nacogdoches to see the Azalea gardens at S.F. Austin State University.

Along the way I decided to make a short detour up to Love's Lookout and see how the construction was coming on the new buildings. They have done a fantastic job! The new welcome center is patterned after the old train depot and very nicely finished out. The view as always is spectacular.

Angie is drinking in the 30 mile view from atop the ridge on the viewing platform behind the welcome center.

The view from Love Lookout

Marker plaque

A Texas historical marker explains the history of the spot.

Shortly afterward we made it to Nacogdoches, and we decided to wander around the old downtown area first. After all, the "oldest city in Texas" has a lot of history to offer, dating back to the 1500s. This plaque on the city hall identified the location as having been the site of Sam Houston's first home in Texas. Lots of other similar sites around, and a very nice visitor's center to explain all the history.

Stay away from the antique stores! They cost me more than an arm and a leg on this trip!

Site of Houston's first TX home


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by James W. Harrison. All rights reserved.